Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Digital Explorers: A group effort

Implementing technology in the classroom is not a very easy task there are many obstacles that teachers face when trying to create new and exciting ways of using technology to improve the learning experience for students. Two of the most common challenges teachers face are finding the time to plan new projects or implementations of technology, and the second is the time it takes just to come up with new ideas. A group of faculty members came up with the idea to create an informal support group for the rest the faculty that would help them when it comes to new ideas and ways to implement technology in the classroom. Yesterday marked the first meeting of the Digital Explorers.

The primary topic for our first meeting was the use of wikis in the classroom. Among the items on the agenda was the discussion of what is a Wiki, and how might it be used in the classroom, and the culmination of the event was for each teacher to have the opportunity to sign up for their own wikispace and to learn some of the skills required to manipulate a wikispace. However I think the best part of yesterday's Digital Explorers meeting was the opportunity for a group of faculty interested in using technology in innovative ways to sit down and share ideas and to interact. Grant it the coffee and the trail mix was also delightful. Hopefully, this first experience will allow us to grow the Digital Explorers in the weeks, months, and years to come at Cary Academy.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My First Post

It has been on my to-do list since the spring of '06. I have always enjoyed reading blogs and I've thought that it is an ideal form of communication for teachers. Blogs allow teachers to quickly assess the content and allows them to read the content on their own schedules. Hopefully I can use this blog to benefit the Faculty of Cary Academy and other teachers.